
This is Qora Qore Web


2018 has been made to replace the successfull Ryneeeel Zekzphire Zentral.

B8+ Markup

Inline markus that can make you cool:


A text with Shadow
A text with Shadow
A text with Shadow
A text with Shadow
A text with Shadow
A text with Shadow
A text with Shadow
A text with Shadow


A text with Stroke
A text with Stroke
A text with Stroke
A text with Stroke
A text with Stroke
A text with Stroke
A text with Stroke
A text with Stroke

Avatar Stacks

Qora Qore

Mpisto Draws the last avatar as the highest one seen. Can accept multiple avatars

Fandom Design System

On the other hand, Fandom System does it differently and up to 5 avatars, including an overflow can be used.
user name
user name
user name
user name
user name


Can be found on Chancelog page